Episode 419: The policing problems faced by new PSNI Chief Constable Jon Boutcher

His report into the handling of the notorious Freddie Scappaticci is highly anticipated

PSNI Interim Chief Constable Jon Boutcher

Nicola Tallant

New PSNI Chief Constable Jon Boucher is an old school detective who cut his teeth with the feared flying squad at the Met Police, who was refused the top job in Northern Ireland at a previous interview and whose Kenova Report is a highly anticipated document expected to give a no holds barred account of the handling of the notorious Stakeknife.

Fresh into the position after the resignation of the hapless Simon Byrne, Boucher is largely liked by the public, the media and members of the force.

But what will he have to do to drag the PSNI into the modern world of equality, multi-ethnicity and accountability? Does he have what it takes to atone for the sins of the past and to face a brighter future?

Nicola speaks to Belfast Telegraph Crime Correspondent Allison Morris about Boucher, the hopes for his new role and the task he has ahead.


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